Feel ‘Superfly’ with the new Munchie Squad single! We decided to catch up with them in an interview

Munchie Squad defining themselves as Future Bass, Chill, Reggae influenced music topped with some nice vocals. From Wien, Vienna this powerhouse act has an electric future ahead of them.

After hearing their new single ‘Superfly’ we decided to find out more:

Hi there, how are you and what are you up to today? 
Hey Guys! We are fine and totally relaxed! Currently we’re working on our new EP in Costa Rica. A beautiful place!

To those not familiar with you, how would you describe your sound? 
I think our sound varies a lot. It’s all about cool lyrics and fresh, new sounds!

What are the 5 albums that have influenced you the most? 

The Kooks: Inside in Inside Out 
Blink 182 : Enema of the State 
Ricky Blaze: Conquer the Moment 
Miley Cyrus: Bangerz 
Wild man Fisher: An evening with Wild man Fisher

Which other artists are you into at the moment and why? 
We honestly like so many artists its hard to say. We’ve been listening a lot to Russian trap & pop lately. Cardi B’s new album is fire too. Music is awesome.

Are there any key pieces of equipment that you are using to define your sound?
C’mon were living in the 21st century. Laptop, Headphones, a good Mic and a little Midi Keyboard is all we need when we’re traveling. Don’t let the Equipment define your sound.

Let’s give ‘Superfly‘ a listen:

What would you say some of the challenges artists face today in the music industry?
I feel that the music industry changed a lot in the last years. The Internet makes it easier to release music – though it’s harder to pop out nowadays. But getting yourself surrounded by good and hard working people is probably always the best way to go.

Where do you gather song writing inspiration? 
Girls, Girls, Girls…

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when put music together?
It’s so different every time. If we catch a vibe we’ll write. Not every beat is easy to write to. Whole process can take a few hours to several days. We start with a very basic beat, write to it, if the result is good – we start producing the song and get into the details.

What’s the best gig you have ever done and why? 
At this stage, we’re only producing music – trying to get as much done as possible. We’ll start playing gigs when we have our first radio hit. So soon.

And the worst? 
Soon to come probably.

If you weren’t a musician what would you be? 
Synchronized Swimmers or Investment Traders i guess.

Do you have any particular gigs or festivals that you dream about playing?
Private Concert for the Royal Family of Sweden.

If you could perform alongside any other band or artist, who would it be?
Hannah Montana, Skrillex, or Bono.

Do you have any information regarding upcoming releases, projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about? 
Better be ready for this Summer!

We thank you very much for taking your time for sharing some personal insights with us. We wish you all the best for your career and very much hope to hear from you again.


Find more information about Munchie Squad and ‘Superfly’ right here:

Facebook //  Spotify  // itunes

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