Crystal Tides announces brand new track

Crystal Tides, the south coast’s new favourite indie/pop band, draw on classic noughties guitar riffs and modern feel good pop to create an irresistible fusion that captures the very essence of adolescence and never ending summer. The group has announced a new single entitled ‘Little Lies’ due for release on 5 April.

Harry Knowles, lead guitar, Sam Pennington, drums, Billy Gregory, vocals, and George Regan, bass, came together in a small flat in Brighton where Billy and Harry wrote songs on their breaks from lectures at university. When lifelong friends Sam and George joined in it felt like they’d all been playing together for years already. A manic DIY debut tour took them around the UK in a swirling mess of glitter, late nights and exuberance. They recorded a demo that connected with their fledgling young fanbase. Sellout shows in Portsmouth, London and Hertfordshire followed. The band were invited to perform at Etihad Stadium for the Champions League semi final.

Catch Crystal Tides at a show.
30th March – Hertfordshire – White Lion
30th April – Southampton – The Joiners
18th May – Portsmouth – Wedgewood Rooms

Listen to Crystal Tides hit song ‘On and Off’ here.

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