Equality prevails in latest indie-pop song, ‘No Reason’ from teepee

Hailing from the Czech Republic, teepee is a dream-pop meeting Indie-folk duo who have just released their latest single, ‘No Reason’ on the via Springstoff. This follows the release of their tracks, ‘No Reason‘ and  ‘Around It‘ which heralded their most recent album. The track was featured on Spotify’s Indie Radar playlist.

The duo is comprised of singer-acoustic guitarist Mason and singer-electric guitarist Tereza who beautifully compliment each other with their own unique styles. Knowing each other since high school, the pair have gone on to play on various local stations before beginning to expand further and play at different festivals across Europe.

Tereza shares the close personal nature of the latest track, “No Reason’ is a very important song for me. It tells a story about our history where men and women grew apart. We created ridiculous binarities of masculinity and femininity that has been damaging our minds and souls for centuries and we claim that it’s natural. We make wonderlands out of each other saying that someone is not able to be or do something because of their gender. I think that the most dangerous phenomenon in the world is when one group calls the other group “The Others” because most of the time it leads to injustice. That is why the message of the song is that we should leave behind the dichotomies. There is no reason to keep them because all genders are splendid.

The chorus of the song reinforces the concept with the lines, “It’s hard for me to understand why you would make a wonderland of me and If you think that I will stand this you underestimated me”. Here, we see the two sing simultaneously as their voices together subtly strengthen the underylying concept – male and female coming together in equality.


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