Meet the mind behind your next indie-pop existential soundtrack, Evon Rose with ‘Something More’

Hailing for the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria we have Evon Rose releasing their latest indie-pop single, ‘Something More’ via Timbits Records. The track explores idea of life after death with Panglossian views meeting gritty guitar lines, coming together to create the soundtrack for the question that we eventually all come to ask ourselves.

Curious about the mind behind our existential soundtrack, we decided to sit down with the lead singer and founding member of Evon Rose, Andreas Schuster. With a history of studying international business in Sydney, we knew he would present some new viewpoints for us to consider.

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?

It usually starts with a feeling, a riff or a certain topic. Sometimes, when I’m playing around with my guitar, a tune just pops up in my head. First step then is to put this first idea into a verse or chorus, whichever it feels like. Then I try to repeat this phonetic idea and to finalize a melody. After that comes the first writing of proper lyrics, which sometimes also evolves in a parallel manner. Then, I usually take that idea to our producer and/or guitarist to get their feedback and ideas of how it could develop and we continue that process until we feel we’re ready to start working on a proper arrangement with the band and see how it feels performing the song.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, which do you prefer? 

Wow, that’s a tough one. Each has its different merits – I love the diversity of it. I’d say the songwriting and creating music for me is a deeply personal process of expressing myself. The recording in the studio is detailed preparation at first and a lot of tiny improvements and re-interpretations until the song properly “sits” and all sounds go together. Live is a totally different story. It’s more about the connection with the audience, the shared joy of a live concert, the performance. I wouldn’t want to miss any step of the way.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

It was the release concert of our first single ‘New Shores’. After the concert a man wanted to speak to me and said, he attended the concert purely by chance – he was on his way home from visiting his daughter in the hospital. He thanked me very dearly and said I had given him some hope and strength since he’s going through some hard times. That again gave me strength and confirmation that I’m doing what I want to do from the bottom of my heart. A really blissful moment.

Your latest single, ‘Something More’ explores the idea of life after death. What triggered this thought process for you?

I have always been intrigued by different spiritual beliefs and rituals and the question of what else is out there. Whether there is more to us than flesh and bones. For this song particularly it was because of a loss in my family we suffered not long ago.

What’s the best gig you have ever done and why?

Impossible to say. Of course there are some that were better and some that were worse, but each gig has a different atmosphere and different challenges. I just enjoy each and every one. Maybe the best gig is yet to come.

Do you have any particular gigs or festivals that you dream about playing? 

That will be a definite YES! I would love to play at Live at Red Rocks once, the scenery is amazing!

Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?

More songs, more gigs and constant evolvement.

One last thought to leave with your fans?

Thank you all for tuning in and hope you enjoy our music!


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