Q&A with Indie-rock band Paradas

If you are a fan of acts such as Death Cab For Cutie, Kings Of Leon or Beach Bunny, then the new song ‘With No Feeling’ by the band Paradas will be up your alley. The Leeds based five-piece indie-rock group consists of university pals Liam Schwegmann (lead vocals), Danny Pash(drummer), Harry Scott(pianist), Matt Hanson(lead guitar) and Cameron Maxwell(bassist).

Their latest track ‘With No Feeling’ features on their upcoming EP release titled After This(17 June 2020). To date, the group has played over 30 gigs in the UK, supporting acts including Red Rum Club and Max Bloom, of Yuck. They have received support from the BBC, with radio play from BBC Introducing Alan Raw and BBC Sussex & BBC Surrey’s Sylvie Blackmore.

We find out more about this promising band in our interview below.

Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?

When we all joined the same course at uni we started to take our music more seriously and wanted to develop a career in the arts. Once we had our first practice together, we knew it was something we wanted to take further.

In terms of production, our first single ‘She’ was an insight into the production side of things, we have learned a lot since.

What emotions were you trying to evoke through the vocals stylings of ‘With No Feeling’.

The vocal stylings in this tune portray themes of desperation and despair of someone trapped in a loveless relationship, however, executed in an upbeat fashion.

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?

The initial creative sparks come from a few guitars plugged in through a sound card on logic, and we kind of just lay it down with no boundaries. Then we take it to the rehearsal and dissect the track and discuss what needs to stay, and what needs to be changed- its a step by step process really.

What gets your creative juices flowing?

We find a crate of beers round at one of our houses with a home studio type set up works better for us than a rehearsal space, somewhere more laid back where we can fully relax and express ourselves.

As a musician, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

Obviously, competition is higher than ever with social media. Pretty much anyone can record, produce and release a record these days. We kinda liked the idea of bands coming onto the scene through hard work. and being seen live rather than how many likes they have on Facebook.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, which do you prefer?

That’s a tough one, the combination of creating music and then playing that material live to our fans is the most rewarding thing to us.

So, in a way we would say that both are equally as important to us.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

Our most memorable moment is when we had our first gig in London and the crowd started to sing our songs back to us, which was amazing as we didn’t think we had a following in London yet.

What’s on your current playlist?

Currently, we’ve been listening to a range of different genres from the rock of Kings of Leon, all the way to the more jazz-influenced Tom Misch. We also have been listening to Australian Alternative Reggae fusion rock band Ocean Alley, who has a proper unique sound- we love it. Not to mention some classics, such as Talking Heads and the Rolling Stones.

Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?

So, our debut EP is being released

Does ‘With No Feeling’ set the tone for your upcoming EP? 

‘With No Feeling’ gives a flavour of what’s to come on the EP, however, each song is unique in its style and theme. We’d say, the next single ‘Lost Cause’ shows a different side to the band- we really look forward to sharing it.


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