Indie band Saint Mars share moving ‘Ocean Blues’ video

Band Saint Mars have shared their new music video for single ‘Ocean Eyes’, and we suggest that you keep your tissues close by. The band is known for its strong approach against anti-bullying and social issues plaguing the youth of today. 

The single was co-written by  Britt Warner of  October’s Child,“’Ocean Blues’ is the first song I wrote about bullying and it was a turning point for me… To be honest, I never decided to write about bullying. The melody, idea of the song, the story behind it came to me naturally, spontaneously: the story of a young boy bullied because of his overweight, called “Piggy the Whale” by his classmates and ending up turning into a real whale… I think the video develops this strong image further: the young boy gets more and more stigmata through the bullying, to the point he becomes what other people say he is; if they constantly call you an idiot, you will become that idiot. In psychology, this is called the Pygmalion effect.”

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