Getting to know instinctive indie rock singer Ro Bergman

Image credit: Peter Rigaud

Traveller, songwriter, singer and precious soul Ro Bergman recently left us pumped up with wanderlust when he shared his new song ‘Wake’ last week. The Austrian musician has also announced that he will be unveiling a new EP, Hi-Lo in the months to come. The entire EP was written and composed by Bergman himself and will be released via Bergman Music/ Las Vegas Records in June. Listening to  ‘Wake’, one can only imagine spending enjoyable hours outdoors as you overcome your fears; whether it be skydiving or deep-sea diving. This single is an energetic burst that one needs in times when your emotions need to be elevated. 

We asked Ro Bergman a few questions about his latest song below. 

Stream/ download: ‘Wake’ 

Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?

My parents and I singing together. In my teenage years, music became more and more important.

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?

Playing around with a rough draft on the guitar or piano. Singing some gibberish words. If the idea is important enough I will move on with it. I will keep playing/working on it all the time, somehow like a sculptor. Most of the time the music comes fast, but getting production, arrangements, recording right to hit the tone and energy from the song in the right way is quite a journey. I suppose there´s no formula for me and I´m starting to like that the process of finishing the production as it is always different.

What gets your creative juices flowing?

Different places, the early morning, being hungover (sometimes), books, movies, being in a room where can be really loud and you are not disturbing anybody.

 Your latest single has an undeniably uplifting and anthemic tone. What mental pictures came to mind when creating ‘Wake’s rhythm?

I wrote the song really early in the morning. I didn´t think too much when I began writing it – just followed my feelings.  Everything evolved very naturally after. With songwriting, I just do what I feel. When I´m in the zone it´s hard for me to remember how it all came together.

As a musician, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

I think if you work hard and keep loving what you do, you are able to face and overcome all challenges. I think life is about learning and there are great possibilities for learning in the music industry. Sometimes it´s not easy to understand why there are so many challenges on the way up. There are many doors that do not open at the first attempt, but I try to optimize the things that I have in my hands. You get what you deserve.

 When speaking about the inspiration for the single, you mentioned that you woke up “hungry for living”. Could you please elaborate on this?

I dreamt parts of the lyrics. When I said I was “hungry for living”, I meant that at that time I was longing for more enjoyment and intensity in my life.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, which do you prefer?

Both – do what you feel.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

Mmmmh..recently I recorded vocals and after the last take, I couldn´t speak for at least an hour because it had such an emotional impact on me.

Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?

My EP release Hi-Lo on the 18th of June, touring, new songs.

 I´m curious about what the future will bring me.

Famous last words?

Cowboys only cry when their horses die

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