Interview with lively indie rock singer Harry Mold

Image credit : Gaïa De Crecy

Packed with adrenaline and honesty, London indie rocker Harry Mold continues to pour his heart out into all of his releases, mirroring the same energy of his music in front of live audiences. Releasing singles ‘Stresshead’ and ‘Space Cadet’ via Touch Recordings this past month, singer-songwriter Harry Mold has announced that he will be headlining London’s The Fiddler at the end of the month of June. Noteworthy single ‘Stresshead’ focuses on the anxieties that one has in their twenties about the future and where they are heading, and explores Mold’s personal anxiety around this. The singer shares relatable lyrics that any millennial or early Gen Z will soak up within seconds.

We chatted with twenty-something indie rocker Harry Mold below.

Looking back, what were some of your earliest entries into music appreciation? And music production?

Car rides with my old man were where it started for me. Blaring New Order, Echo and The Bunnymen through to the guiltier pleasure like David Gray and Keane. My interest in production then started much later in my life when I listened in awe to artists like James Blake and King Krule.

Take us through your songwriting process. Are there any particular steps you take when putting music together?

My songs have always come about differently. Sometimes I have a phrase that encompasses what I want to express and the melody comes alongside it, then I build the song from there. Other times the whole inspiration comes from a piece of music I’ve made, there’s no Bible when it comes to writing for me

What gets your creative juices flowing?

It’s not something you can really put into words that are specifically triggered by being alone. When the feeling comes I think I act subconsciously and before I know it the guitars in my hand 

As a musician, it becomes apparent that there is a huge difference between the art and the business. Is there anything about the music scene that you would personally change?

I think the branding and selling of yourself have dominated the industry completely and I have mixed feelings about it. I love the visual art of style and images, but then am also aware that it takes so much away from it just being about the music so it’s tricky.

Studio work and music creation or performing and interacting with a live audience, which do you prefer? 

They can both be so exhilarating but in different ways. If you just created something you love in the studio then that feeling of excitement is unreal. The same goes for being in front of a room/hall of people, the spark in the air is incomparable. So probably live to be honest haha.

What is the most memorable response you have had to your music?

One of my favourite experiences I had was a gig I did in the Groucho club and the number of voices singing what I had written. I’ve got a video of it on IG that I always watch back for that extra bit of motivation. 

What’s on your current playlist?

There are some really exciting people in the mix at the minute. Some to name a few are; slowthai, easy life, Nina Cobham, Declan McKenna, Arlo Parks 

Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you in the near future?

I’m working on something really lively at the minute and I want to massively jump on that “back to normality” wave as it goes tidal this summer. Expect grit, expect energy. 

Famous last words?

 That’s a My Chemical Romance song init?

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