Musician Adam Harpaz and Pastel Jungle allure with new song ‘Other Than Orange’

Image credit: Lisa Mae

Folk artist Adam Harpaz and Pastel Jungle have collaborated on a new single ‘Other Than Orange’ released under Pastel Jungle + Adam Harpaz. Melodious producer Pastel Jungle has secured play repeatedly on YouTube’s David Dean Burkhart. Sing-songwriter and producer Adam Harpaz relish the support of notable industry publications, including Magazine and Roadie Music among others. 

Stream ‘Other Than Orange’ on SpotifyiTunes

‘Other Than Orange’ sounds like a live recording and is packed with crips acoustic guitar and edgy electric guitar strings that are highlighted by sharp Hit-hats giving the song a modern quality. Additionally, The track is refined with warm piano notes intercepted by fervent drum beats resulting in the creation of a feel-good song that is listener friendly. 

Adam Harpaz and Pastel Jungle discuss the subject matter in ‘Other Than Orange’: “This first collab of many more to come is an alluring journey into the depths of longing for fonder memories. We wanted to capture that oddly captivating sensation of replaying those perfect memories, so often poisoned by the idea that you might never experience them the same way again”.

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