PREMIERE: Alternative singer Matt Jaffe shares nostalgic music video

Image credit: Edward Saenz

Creating his first album at the tender age of sixteen with Talking Heads Jerry Harrison, music producer Matt Jaffe is still creating rock gems with fire. The singer, songwriter, and creative director dropped out of college to pursue his musical career. His sacrifice has clearly paid off, sharing the stage with names like Sting and Bruce Springsteen. Today, we are pleased to share his latest music video ‘Time Traveler’ with our Indie Music community. This video calls to mind carefree times spent with your closest friends before adulthood got in the way. 

Matt Jaffe shares : “I wanted to record this song like it was produced by Brian Eno. The grand sonic vistas of Joshua Tree, the atmospheric panoramas of Remain In Light. It’s a love song in the tradition of Ben Gibbard’s Transatlanticism, lamenting long distance with a spacious landscape that invites you to lie down on its featherbed of Swiss Clock drums and Dalí Clock guitars. The tension breaks for a throat-shredding bridge before regaining composure for the patient, but urgent, crescendo that brings it to a close. The video features artwork from across the ages: Munch, DaVinci, Dali, Klee…”

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