Indie band Giant Sky fight against hatred with latest song

     Image Credit: Hot Vox

At the moment, there seems to be a particularly large amount of hate for minority groups flying around. Whether it’s an upturn in these aggressive thoughts themselves or social media proving a platform for the particularly loud voices, it’s difficult to tell. Either way, it means that it’s particularly important to speak out against this hate when it does occur.

Stream/Download – ‘Human’

Giant Sky and their latest single, ‘Human’ (released today via Bloody Sunset Records) is the perfect example of how musicians can use their trade to fight against this hatred and create a unifying experience. The single, drenched in emotion, is taken from their upcoming album Not Today which will be released on the 25th of June.

The indie band tell us about the inspiration behind the single: “Our fourth single is inspired by the LGBTQ community, the hate and mistrust they face every day, and how they keep fighting regardless of it. We hope one day the community will be accepted by everyone.”

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